77 research outputs found

    Diversity, floristic composition, and structure of the woody vegetation of the Cerrado in the Cerrado–Amazon transition zone in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40415-015-0186-2We compared the diversity and species composition and the structure of the vegetation of three distinct Cerrado phytophysiognomies (Cerradão, Dense Cerrado, and Typical Cerrado) in the Cerrado–Amazon transition, Mato Grosso (Brazil). Species richness (observed and estimated) in the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado was higher than that recorded in the Typical Cerrado. Species diversity, based on a Rényi profile, was highest in the Dense Cerrado, in comparison with the other phytophysiognomies. We recorded a higher number of exclusive species in the Cerradão and a greater similarity (Morisita and Sørensen indices) between this vegetation type and the Dense Cerrado. While individuals were tallest in the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado and lowest in the Typical Cerrado, there was no difference among phytophysiognomies in mean diameter. A gradient in decreasing species richness and diversity (hypothesis 1) and vegetation vertical structure (hypothesis 3) was expected for the Cerradão–Dense Cerrado–Typical Cerrado; however, neither hypothesis was supported by the results. The Cerradão and Dense Cerrado were most similar in species composition not confirming hypothesis 2, which predicted that the two savanna vegetation types (Dense Cerrado and Typical Cerrado) were more similar to one another than either is to the woodland (Cerradão). Overall, the similarities among the three study communities depended on the type of parameter analyzed. While the species richness and the vertical and structure of the vegetation of the Cerradão and Dense Cerrado are closely similar, the Cerradão and Typical Cerrado are more similar in their species diversity. With regard to the floristic composition, Dense Cerrado occupies an intermediate position between Cerradão and Typical Cerrado.UNEMAT Graduate Program in Ecology and ConservationBrazilian Higher Education Training Program (CAPES)“Tropical Biomes in Transition – TROBIT”CAPES/Science without Borders ProgramPELD/CNPq (Long-Term Ecological Studies)PROCAD UnB/UNEMA

    Post-fire dynamics of woody vegetation in seasonally flooded forests (impucas) in the Cerrado-Amazonian Forest transition zone

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    Journal ArticleAuthor versions of article. The version of record is available from the publisher via doi: 10.1016/j.flora.2014.02.008© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Fire disturbance alters the structural complexity of forests, above-ground biomass stocks and patterns of growth, recruitment and mortality that determine temporal dynamics of communities. These changes may also alter forest species composition, richness, and diversity. We compared changes in plant recruitment, mortality, and turnover time over three years between burned and unburned sites of two seasonally flooded natural forest patches in a predominantly savanna landscape (regionally called 'impucas') in order to determine how fire alters forest dynamics and species composition. Within each impuca, 50 permanent plots (20m×10m) were established and all individuals ≥5cm diameter at breast height (DBH) identified and measured in two censuses, the first in 2007 and the second in 2010. Unplanned fires burned 30 plots in impuca 1 and 35 in impuca 2 after the first census, which enabled thereafter the comparison between burned and unburned sites. The highest mortality (8.0 and 24.3% year-1 for impuca 1 and 2) and turnover time (69 and 121.5 years) were observed in the burned sites, compared to 3.7 and 5.2%year-1 (mortality), and 28.4 and 40.9 years (turnover), respectively, for the unburned sites. Although these seasonally flooded impuca forests are embedded in a fire-adapted savanna landscape, the impucas vegetation appears to be sensitive to fire, with burned areas having higher mortality and turnover than unburned areas. This indicates that these forest islands are potentially at risk if regional fire frequency increases. © 2014 Elsevier GmbH.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationMato Grosso State Research Support FoundationProgram of Academic Cooperatio

    Absorbing Roots Areas and Transpiring Leaf Areas at the Tropical Forest and Savanna Boundary in Brazil

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    © Copyright 2014 Nova Science PublishersThis is the prepublication draft of a chapter published by Nova Science Publishers in the book Savannas: Climate, Biodiversity and Ecological Significance, published in 2013. Available to purchase at https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=39734TROBIT Project (Tropical Biomes in Transition

    Charcoal chronology of the Amazon forest: A record of biodiversity preserved by ancient fires

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.he Amazon region holds a wide variety of ethnic groups and microclimates, enabling different interactions between humans and environment. To better understand the evolution of this region, ancient remains need to be analysed by all possible means. In this context, the study of natural and/or anthropogenic fires through the analysis of carbonized remains can give information on past climate, species diversity, and human intervention in forests and landscapes. In the present work, we undertook an anthracological analysis along with the 14 C dating of charcoal fragments using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Charcoal samples from forest soils collected from seven different locations in the Amazon Basin were taxonomically classified and dated. Out of the 16 groups of charcoal fragments identified, five contained more than one taxonomic type, with the Fabaceae, Combretaceae and Sapotaceae families having the highest frequencies. 14 C charcoal dates span ∼6000 years (from 6876 to 365 yr BP) among different families, with the most significant variation observed for two fragments from the same sampling location (spanning 4000 14 C yr). Some sample sets resulted in up to five different families. These findings demonstrate the importance of the association between anthracological identification and radiocarbon dating in the reconstruction of paleo-forest composition and fire history.The authors thank the Brazilian agencies Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). KDM thanks CNPq for fellowship 305079/2014–0. CL thanks FAPEAM/FAPESP (09/53369-6, led by Flávia Regina Capellotto Costa) for financial support and Thaise Emílio, José Luiz Purri da Veiga Pinto, Rosineide Machado and Francislaide da Silva Costa for help with charcoal collection. TRF, BSM, and BHM acknowledge financial support from NERC (NE/N011570/1), CAPES/CNPq Science without Borders (PVE 177/2012 and PVE 401279/2014-6), CNPq/PPBio (457602/2012-0), CNPq/PELD (403725/2012-7) and the University of Exeter - College of Life and Environmental Sciences

    Trees at the Amazonia-Cerrado transition are approaching high temperature thresholds

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    Land regions are warming rapidly. While in a warming world at extra-tropical latitudes vegetation adapted to higher temperatures may move in from lower latitudes this is not possible in the tropics. Thus, the limits of plant functioning will determine the nature and composition of future vegetation. The most temperature sensitive component of photosynthesis and a key component of plants is Photosystem II. Here we report the thermal safety margin (difference between Photosystem II thermotolerance (T50) and maximum leaf temperature) during the beginning of the dry season for four tree species co-occurring across the forest-savanna transition zone in Brazil, a region which has warmed particularly rapidly over the recent decades. The species selected are evergreen in forests but deciduous in savannas. We find that thermotolerance declines with growth temperature larger than >40 °C for individuals in the savannas. Current maximum leaf temperatures exceed T50 in some species and will exceed T50 in a 2.5 °C warmer world in most species evaluated. Despite plasticity in leaf thermal traits to increase leaf cooling in hotter environments, the results show this is not sufficient to maintain a safe thermal safety margin in hotter savannas. Overall, the results suggest that forest species may become increasingly deciduous and savanna-like in the future

    Fire Effects on Understory Forest Regeneration in Southern Amazonia

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the corresponding author.Fire in tropical forests increases tree mortality, degrades forest structure, and reduces carbon stocks. Currently, there are large gaps in understanding how fire affects understory forest structure and composition, interactions with fire recurrence, and long-term impacts. Understanding these changes is critical to evaluate the present and future response of tropical forests to fire. We studied post-fire changes in understory regeneration in forests in Mato Grosso State, southern Amazonia, Brazil, aiming to answer the following questions: (i) does forest structure (basal area) and tree community composition vary with fire frequency and time since the last fire? (ii) does the response differ among strata (e.g., sapling, larger trees)? (iii) are changes in diversity associated with changes in forest structure? We surveyed trees and lianas in previously structurally intact forests that underwent selective logging, followed by different fire histories, including 5 and 16 years after once-burned, 5 years after three times burned, and unburned (control). Overall, species composition (abundance, richness, and number of families) and diversity were highest for the unburned treatment and lowest for the recurrent burned areas. Fire frequency negatively affected plant structure and basal area; basal area of small, medium, and large plants declined significantly by more than 50% in the most frequently burned areas. Richness was positively related to basal area in the three times burned sites and in the 16 years regenerating site for all strata. Our results demonstrate the negative influence of frequent fires on both the composition and structure of small trees in Amazonian forest. These changes to the cohort of small-sized trees may persist and have long-term impacts on forest structure, affecting the capacity, and direction of forest recovery. With wildfire widespread across the region and increasing in frequency, fire may negatively affect tree diversity in remaining selectively logged forests, and affect regional carbon cycling with consequences for the global vegetation carbon sink.Coordination of Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education, Brazil (CAPES

    Soil pyrogenic carbon in southern Amazonia: Interaction between soil, climate, and above-ground biomass

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.The Amazon forest represents one of the world’s largest terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Here, we evaluated the role of soil texture, climate, vegetation, and distance to savanna on the distribution and stocks of soil pyrogenic carbon (PyC) in intact forests with no history of recent fire spanning the southern Amazonia forest-Cerrado Zone of Transition (ZOT). In 19 one hectare forest plots, including three Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE, terra preta) sites with high soil PyC, we measured all trees and lianas with diameter ≥ 10 cm and analyzed soil physicochemical properties, including texture and PyC stocks. We quantified PyC stocks as a proportion of total organic carbon using hydrogen pyrolysis. We used multiple linear regression and variance partitioning to determine which variables best explain soil PyC variation. For all forests combined, soil PyC stocks ranged between 0.9 and 6.8 Mg/ha to 30 cm depth (mean 2.3 ± 1.5 Mg/ha) and PyC, on average, represented 4.3% of the total soil organic carbon (SOC). The most parsimonious model (based on AICc) included soil clay content and above-ground biomass (AGB) as the main predictors, explaining 71% of soil PyC variation. After removal of the ADE plots, PyC stocks ranged between 0.9 and 3.8 Mg/ha (mean 1.9 ± 0.8 Mg/ha–1) and PyC continued to represent ∼4% of the total SOC. The most parsimonious models without ADE included AGB and sand as the best predictors, with sand and PyC having an inverse relationship, and sand explaining 65% of the soil PyC variation. Partial regression analysis did not identify any of the components (climatic, environmental, and edaphic), pure or shared, as important in explaining soil PyC variation with or without ADE plots. We observed a substantial amount of soil PyC, even excluding ADE forests; however, contrary to expectations, soil PyC stocks were not higher nearer to the fire-dependent Cerrado than more humid regions of Amazonia. Our findings that soil texture and AGB explain the distribution and amount of soil PyC in ZOT forests will help to improve model estimates of SOC change with further climatic warming.Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Mapping tropical disturbed forests using multi-decadal 30 m optical satellite imagery

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    Tropical disturbed forests play an important role in global carbon sequestration due to their rapid post-disturbance biomass accumulation rates. However, the accurate estimation of the carbon sequestration capacity of disturbed forests is still challenging due to large uncertainties in their spatial distribution. Using Google Earth Engine (GEE), we developed a novel approach to map cumulative disturbed forest areas based on the 27-year time-series of Landsat surface reflectance imagery. This approach integrates single date features with temporal characteristics from six time-series trajectories (two Landsat shortwave infrared bands and four vegetation indices) using a random forest machine learning classification algorithm. We demonstrated the feasibility of this method to map disturbed forests in three different forest ecoregions (seasonal, moist and dry forest) in Mato Grosso, Brazil, and found that the overall mapping accuracy was high, ranging from 81.3% for moist forest to 86.1% for seasonal forest. According to our classification, dry forest ecoregion experienced the most severe disturbances with 41% of forests being disturbed by 2010, followed by seasonal forest and moist forest ecoregions. We further separated disturbed forests into degraded old-growth forests and post-deforestation regrowth forests based on an existing post-deforestation land use map (TerraClass) and found that the area of degraded old-growth forests was up to 62% larger than the extent of post-deforestation regrowth forests, with 18% of old-growth forests actually being degraded. Application of this new classification approach to other tropical areas will provide a better constraint on the spatial extent of disturbed forest areas in Tropics and ultimately towards a better understanding of their importance in the global carbon cycle

    A novel in situ passive heating method for evaluating whole-tree responses to daytime warming in remote environments

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    Background Many significant ecosystems, including important non-forest woody ecosystems such as the Cerrado (Brazilian savannah), are under threat from climate change, yet our understanding of how increasing temperatures will impact native vegetation remains limited. Temperature manipulation experiments are important tools for investigating such impacts, but are often constrained by access to power supply and limited to low-stature species, juvenile individuals, or heating of target organs, perhaps not fully revealing how entire or mature individuals and ecosystems will react to higher temperatures. Results We present a novel, modified open top chamber design for in situ passive heating of whole individuals up to 2.5 m tall (but easily expandable) in remote field environments with strong solar irradiance. We built multiple whole-tree heating structures (WTHSs) in an area of Cerrado around native woody species Davilla elliptica and Erythroxylum suberosum to test the design and its effects on air temperature and humidity, while also studying the physiological responses of E. suberosum to short-term heating. The WTHSs raised internal air temperature by approximately 2.5 °C above ambient during the daytime. This increased to 3.4 °C between 09:00 and 17:00 local time when thermal impact was greatest, and during which time mean internal temperatures corresponded closely with maximum ambient temperatures. Heating was consistent over time and across WTHSs of variable size and shape, and they had minimal effect on humidity. E. suberosum showed no detectable response of photosynthesis or respiration to short-term experimental heating, but some indication of acclimation to natural temperature changes. Conclusions Our WTHSs produced a consistent and reproducible level of daytime heating in line with mid-range climate predictions for the Cerrado biome by the end of the century. The whole-tree in situ passive heating design is flexible, low-cost, simple to build using commonly available materials, and minimises negative impacts associated with passive chambers. It could be employed to investigate the high temperature responses of many understudied species in a range of complex non-forest environments with sufficient solar irradiance, providing new and important insights into the possible impacts of our changing climate

    Drought generates large, long-term changes in tree and liana regeneration in a monodominant Amazon forest

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    The long-term dynamics of regeneration in tropical forests dominated by single tree species remains largely undocumented, yet is key to understanding the mechanisms by which one species can gain dominance and resist environmental change. We report here on the long-term regeneration dynamics in a monodominant stand of Brosimum rubescens Taub. (Moraceae) at the southern border of the Amazon forest. Here the climate has warmed and dried since the mid-1990′s. Twenty-one years of tree and liana regeneration were evaluated in four censuses in 30 plots by assessing species abundance, dominance, and diversity in all regeneration classes up to 5 cm diameter. The density of B. rubescens seedlings declined markedly, from 85% in 1997 to 29% in 2018 after the most intense El Niño-driven drought. While the fraction contributed by other tree species changed little, the relative density of liana seedlings increased from just 1 to 54% and three-quarters of liana species underwent a ten-fold or greater increase in abundance. The regeneration community experienced a high rate of species turnover, with changes in the overall richness and species diversity determined principally by lianas, not trees. Long-term maintenance of monodominance in this tropical forest is threatened by a sharp decline in the regeneration of the monodominant species and the increase in liana density, suggesting that monodominance will prove to be a transitory condition. The close association of these rapid changes with drying indicates that monodominant B. rubescens forests are impacted by drought-driven changes in regeneration, and therefore are particularly sensitive to climatic change